We offer a comprehensive range of dental services to ensure that our patients maintain optimal oral health and achieve their cosmetic smile goals. Welcoming patients of all ages for care, our office is a convenient, one-stop destination for all your family’s dental needs.
With a demonstrated commitment to excellence, we’ve earned a reputation as a leading dentist in Homer Glen. Maintaining a position at the forefront of the latest advances in dental technology, we provide every patient with precise and comfortable care. Whether your visit with us is for a dental checkup, cosmetic smile makeover, replacing missing teeth, or a dental emergency, you are in the best of hands at our office.
Thank you for choosing our office as your dentist in Homer Glen. We understand that getting dental care has financial considerations. To alleviate any additional stress and to help our patients avoid any unnecessary delays in care, we accept many insurance plans and offer several payments options. If you have any questions regarding our services or want to speak to us about your dental plan, please give us a call. We look forward to making your family part of ours!
Dental fillings are the most common type of dental restoration used to replace sections of teeth that are missing, damaged or decayed. While traditional dental materials like gold, amalgam, porcelain, and composite successfully restore teeth; recent advances in dental technology have made a wider and improved selection of restorative choices available.
The terms dental crowns and caps are synonymous. If dental decay, cracked fillings, root canals, clenching or grinding the teeth have caused extensive damage to the underlying tooth structure a dental filling may not be a sufficient restoration. The only way to completely restore the cosmetic appearance and function of this tooth is often full coverage with a dental crown.
With fewer implants and shorter treatment times, the 4-Implant Smile offers an attractive, stable, and long-lasting implant-based solution to patients who have lost all their upper and/or lower teeth.
Teeth that have been stained or darkened by food, tobacco use, age, medications or injury can be lightened and brightened by means of a non-invasive process known as teeth whitening. Teeth whitening or bleaching simply refers to any process that will make the teeth appear whiter.